Victory Sports Camps
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Hey coach Dave,

I just wanted to let you know if it wasn’t for your coaching I would never have made it pass grade 9 basketball. You taught me the fundamentals that benefited me in the long run. You are the most underrated coach coach that I have ever met. I played on my senior team this year starting as shooting guard, I really practised 3 pointers and that’s what got me into the team and through the season. I couldn’t be more grateful to have you as my coach.


Hi Dave,

Congratulations!  We are so excited for you to be going to China to speak about Balloholics!  That is wonderful! Your program bring such positive impact to parents and children that I wish all parents and children around the world can benefit from.

When we first signed up for Balloholics, we were just hoping our son could have fun playing a little bit of sports without his asthma holding him back.  But we got more than just having fun playing a little bit of basketball.  Before Balloholics, it was obvious to me that my son felt he was never going to be good in sports like the kids in school because of his asthma and his coordination.  When asked to play, he would always get push back.  But now, he has so much confidence.

You teach more than just basketball.  Under your guidance, you bring out the best in them. You promote fair play, teach the kids respect, discipline, teamwork in a caring environment.  You help the kids build character and confidence.  You make it possible for kids from all family background, any shape or size, able to play basketball.  You never judge, but always encourage the best.  This is why your program is such a success.  Your players love basketball!

As parents, we get so much pleasure watching the kids bond with their teammates, making new friends, build confidence and watching all the kids bring out their best character. Each year returning to Balloholics, we enjoy watching the little boys growing up into teenagers, having a good game of basketball with their friends and teammates.  I certainly look forward to seeing them grow up to be responsible adults who will pass on their happy and healthy childhood experience with Balloholics.

Thank you Dave! You are a wonderful coach!

Hi There…Zac is really really enjoying your Balloholics coaching – truly fantastic and also playing at the games too. He is very keen to keep up his basketball skills and continue with progressing. Thank you for exceptional work done already with him – its wonderful.

Coach Dave

Thanks for being a great coach. You have taught me many things this past season that will help me improve, not only as a basketball player, but as a person. I felt that I wasn’t good enough for the U13 Metro team but you helped me realize how much potential I have. You inspired me to keep practicing hard and to always try my best.


Ryan #20

“My boy was part on the Balloholics teams for the last 5 years, and grade 7 program was by far the most exciting year, as he was selected to participate in metro league team and various tournaments. His growth during the year was quite visible. He made lots of friends with his team members. In the end the team enjoyed together fantastic success, overcoming big challenges and blossoming in the most important tournament they participated.

This was promised to us parents by the coach at the beginning of the winter session and they deliver that when very few expected – quite amazing, an experience which will remain with all boys for their lifetime. I recommend Balloholics for the sport training quality which prepares the boys for high school level basketball.”


“Over the last couple of months, I experienced the thrill of actual competitive basketball. I think that we all faced certain challenges during our season. However, I believe that despite the difficulties we faced against certain teams, everything started to shape up during our last few games in our last tournament, as we beat the team that had smoked us two times prior. Overall, I would like to thank Coach Dave and the rest of the team for an awesome experience during the 2013 Fall/Winter team.”

Paul H

Our older son Derek joined Balloholics during the fall of 2007/2008. Derek started playing basketball as a hobby but he has always strived to become a better player who possesses advanced skills and knowledge about this particular sport. We are so glad that we enrolled him in Balloholics programs.

Balloholics has a well-structured framework to develop skills and knowledge about basketball for its students. Dave sets realistic and achievable goals for the students; and provides them with the training and courage to achieve these goals. He treats all students with fairness, and provides constructive feedback when warranted. Through in class exercise and on site coaching during games, he champions sportsmanship and team spirit without hesitation. As parents, Dave has instilled a great deal of confidence in us that he is not only coaching our son to become a better player, but also a better person when he grows older. It is for these reasons that we also enrolled our younger son Calvin in the program since the fall of 2008.

We noticed Derek has gained a lot of confidence in himself while attending the Balloholics programs. He is now applying the skills that he learned from Dave to coach Grade 8 boy’s basketball team at his school; as well as assisting Dave in some of the classes. Calvin is now in U14 program and he is always looking forward to the lessons and games.

Thank you Dave for all the good work, your dedication and devotion to the program and the students has not gone unnoticed.

Caren and Alex
Members since 2007

My son joined Balloholics this past September. I have noted a significant change in his sense of confidence and self-esteem since then. He is a more confident basketball player since the coaches at Balloholics build skills with the boys that enhance their level of play. He is learning how to be a disciplined and skillful basketball player. He “loves coming to practice” and enjoys going to the games since he gets equal playing time as his teammates. This year, he was selected to play on his school’s competitive team. I attribute this achievement to the excellent coaching that he receives from Dave. Within seven months my son has made great strides not only as a player but as an individual. Guidance, patience, respect, positivity – that sums up our experience with Balloholics.

Looking forward to another great season with Dave in the fall.

Sandra S.

Hi Dave,

We had to rush off after this evening’s practice, but I wanted to say thanks again for your coaching. Caitlyn has absolutely loved this session, and we’ve enjoyed seeing how much she’s progressed in terms of both skills and confidence. My husband commented on what a great idea it was this evening to have a girls v.s. boys game; it sounds as if the girls worked really well together as a team & got a huge confidence boost out of holding their own against the boys. Caitlyn is looking forward to doing a basketball camp during the summer, and to practicing twice-weekly in the fall.


I am sure fall basketball is keeping you busy, Dante is looking forward to coming up this spring/summer for training. All the training and experience from your spring/summer program 2011 has paid off as he was selected to play starting point guard for his mid-high school team. He’s looking forward to being challenged with his new 8th grade team. Dante is a better player both mentally and physically due to the Balloholics program. He is also a better leader as well in which he learned from Coach Poon Tip. He enjoys playing on the team and that is a testament to the hard work and dedication that you and the Balloholics staff have provided. I would recommend families who are interested in involving there children in basketball, whether their kid is a beginner or an advanced player enroll in the Balloholics basketball program, its a big return on investment for your kid. I really enjoyed having my son as well as my family be apart of the Balloholics experience. We are looking forward to the next season and what it has to offer.

Coach Dave is an awesome coach. GO BALLOHOLICS!!!

Alvin Lewis
Senior Chief US Navy
North Sound Elite Head Coach
Marysville Washington

Our son, Adrian, tried many sports over the years but he never seemed to be really happy. In the spring of 2011 we decided to try basketball and the results were amazing. The balance between learning various skills at practices and the challenge of the games worked really well for our son. He has made very good progress and he is very happy to participate in this club. Thank you Victory Sports Camps and coach Dave for offering such a nice basketball program for our children.

Mike P.

My son has been in Balloholics for two years and he has become a dedicated and disciplined player as a result of the excellent coaching. He has more confidence in his own abilities, as well as a knowledge of the skills required to achieve his goals. He played for the Gold team this year, and after hard work and determination they won the U13 Metro League and Provincial finals, a moment I will never forget! When he started playing at Balloholics I never imagined he could make the progress he has, and I would highly recommend the club to any parent.

Thanks Dave!


Our son thoroughly enjoys his time at Balloholics, and his basketball skills have really improved as a result of his attendance. At just the right time, he received personal attention from the instructor, which made a big difference in his engagement and willingness to do the drills and follow along in the practices. We also appreciate that the programs are offered in local schools that we can walk him to.

Karl & Maureen M.

I personally loved the program and Ivana enjoyed herself immensely…She learned so much in the short time she was in the club and she cant wait to return to Balloholics this fall…Hope to see you and the rest of the group very soon…thank you so much.


My son has had such a great time with Balloholics. We are so thankful to have this basketball program here in Burnaby. He wasn’t even that interested in basketball at the beginning but because he got to handle the ball so much in this program, he came to love the game. The head balloholic, Dave, did his best to accommodate us when my son and his friends wanted to play together on the same team. And when it wasn’t possible to be on the same team, they looked forward to playing against each other. I am happy to say that Balloholics was the right choice for us.

Judi W.

My son Flynn was introduced to basketball in September 2009 through the Balloholics program. From the very first practice, he enjoyed every minute of the experience. The weekly sessions were very well prepared by Coach Dave, with different skill sets worked on over the course of the season. The highlight of the season was the jamboree’s where kids from our sessions, got to play boys and girls from other training sessions.If you’re a parent looking for a quality youth sport for you child to play. Look no further. The sessions are very well coached, the kids get a ton of exercise and they have fun every week. Kids of all skill sets will have a blast.

John R.

My son has completed his second season with the program and has absolutely enjoyed every minute! Alec plays several organized sports throughout the year. Since joining the Balloholics program, Alec’s interest in basketball has increased and it is now one of his favorite sports to play. Here’s what he says,”I’ve had a lot of fun and my skills have improved a lot.”

Having coached various sports at the elementary school level myself, I know the challenges of putting together a successful program. There’s a lot of work, time and commitment involved. I am impressed with the level of instruction given by Coach Dave and the members of his team. 

The program is organized and well-run. Not only are the kids taught the technical and competitive aspects of the game, they are also learning about fair play, friendship and self-improvement. A winning-at-all-costs mentality may teach children how to compete, but it could be at the expense of other valuable skills. If you develop the proper skill base and focus on self-improvement, there’s a good chance you’ll be successful. This is what the Balloholics program is all about.

Thank you Dave!

Renee S.

Hi Dave,

I’m sorry to hear your season is over, but I certainly know this game. I really enjoy watching you guys play and your style of coaching. It’s an emotional thing for me at this time of year, so much work, sweat and tears and it all comes down to what appears to be one game. But it’s not about one game at all – it’s about what happened over the season. What an amazing sport this is. I hope to see you soon and keep coaching – I see many, many coaches – your style and how you care about these guys is what I do see, you are one of the better ones, and this game — in my view — is about the process, not a trophy. Boys becoming men.

Paul , North Van.

Our daughter loved the program. Not only did it teach her basketball skills but the program also taught her the importance of teamwork. We were impressed by how much the girls improved in such a short time and how they began to work as a team by the end of the program. We had found it difficult to find a program that will cater to girls in Burnaby. But we were glad that we found Balloholics. Coach Mo was a great asset to the program. She not only was able to relate to the girls but also to the parents. Keep up the good work!

(Samantha’s mom)

“My son has had a great time learning basketball thru your camp. It has made him so much more confident that he has decided to join his schools team. 3 months ago when I asked him if he wanted to join the school team he said no because he felt he wouldn’t be able to help out the team.
What a difference a couple of months make.”

Ana P.

“My son Taylor has just completed his second basketball season with Victory Sports. Not only has he learned to be a strong team player but Coach Dave has taught him to be a goal setter and that through hard work and self discipline you can become a better player. This program was truly a positive experience for my son and he enjoyed every minute!!”

Thank you Coach Dave,
Nancy G.

“Our son Stephen, after many years of playing soccer, expressed an interest to switch to basketball. During our research of options Dave and his Steve Nash program were highly recommended by several people. Stephen participated in the Fall/Winter 2007/2008 program.Dave has many years’ experience as a basketball coach. His program focused upon all technical aspects of the game of basketball. Passing and positioning were as important as shooting. I found Dave’s approach to coaching to be one of patience and understanding. Each drill was carefully explained to the players and then they had the opportunity to practice it. Dave used a great deal of encouragement and positive reinforcement to build the love of the sport with the players. When asked, Dave took the time to spend one on one with Stephen on areas needing improvement. He offered suggestions on things Stephen could do on-non-practice days to get better.Stephen thoroughly enjoyed his time in Dave’s Steve Nash program and has signed up again for the upcoming Fall 2008 program. In addition to becoming a much better basketball player he made friends and had a lot of fun"

Mike L.(Stephen’s father)

” The Balloholic Development Program instructed by Coach Dave has improved my son’s basketball IQ and enhance his passion for the sport. This was his first year in the program and he was impressed.The program is not only focused on enhancing the players skills but has also made it fun and enjoyable for them. I definitely recommend this program to any basketball
player who wants to take his level of play to the next level.”

Stan D.

“I was thrilled to find that my 10 year old daughter could join a Grade 4/boys session, through Victory Sports Camps this past Fall 2007. Victory Sports Camp, who are affiliated with the Steve Nash Basketball group, helped a girl just beginning to explore the sport and enabled her to improve her skills and confidence. I found the organization to be well-run, the coaches dedicated, conscientious and well-versed in providing a fun, hard-working environment for their sport. My daughter is very excited to learn that the league is expanding and will have its first girls teams in the Fall of 2008.”

Wendy F.

“My son has been involved in both Victory Sports development programs and the Spring league.These programs have helped improve my son’s basketball skills in a fun and motivating setting. I highly recommend the Victory Sports programs to any parent that wants their child to play basketball in a fun and supportive atmosphere.”

N.A. Burnaby

“I’ve seen a marked improvement in my son’s skills since joining your program. I also appreciate the emphasis on respect and discipline. I highly recommend it to other parents.”

Bryan B.

“My son joined the Steve Nash summer program this past summer and I was pleased with the level of improvement in just a short period of time.Dave offers constructive feedback and suggestions to improve their skills.”

Thanks, Dave.
Annabelle K.

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