Name | Address | Map |
Hey there! Looking to join one of our sports classes? Here are the locations where you can find us:
Kitchener Elementary
1351 Gilmore Avenue
Burnaby, BC
V5C 4S8chener Elementary
Parkcrest Elementary
6055 Halifax Street
Burnaby, BC
V5B 2P4
Buckingham Elementary
6066 Buckingham Avenue
Burnaby, BC
V5E 2A4
Twelfth Avenue Elementary
7622 12th Avenue
Burnaby, BC
V3N 2K1
Check out our schedule and sign up for a class near you today! See you on the field!
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#parkcrestelementary #kitchenerelementary #twelfthavenueelementary #aubreyelementary
#buckinghamelementary #newwestbasketball #burnabybasketball #basketballbc
#burnabyelementaryschools #teamlinkt #burnabyparks #ctjumpstart #newwestrecreation
#whatsonburnaby #cityofburnaby #SNYB #burnabyparksandrecreation #balloholicbasketball